Dexalert- Coin & NFT Price Alert App: Premium membership can be purchased with $DXA. At least 50% of the $DXA tokens used for membership purchases will be burned. This burning process will continue until 50% of the total supply is burned. These transactions will be shared with investors. In this way, a real utility and increasing price graph will occur.
DXA token can be used for advertising payment: Our application has advertising options such as "most watched, banner". There will be a 25% discount when paying with the DXA token for the advertising fee. At least 50% of the DXA tokens received as advertising fees will be burned. These transactions will be shared with investors.
In the future, new features will be added to the platform. Users will have to hold a certain amount $DXA token to use these premium features.
With the revenue from premium memberships and advertisements, buyback & burn will be done for DXA token.
As the platform develops and the number of users increases, more utility will be created for the $DXA Token.
Note: The team will decide the amount of Buyback transactions specified in 2, 4.
Last updated